governance goals
Resource Allocation
Governance should allocate the token treasury and protocol revenue to effectively support the Collective’s vision and grow its sustainable value.
Capture Resistance
Governance plays a key role in securing the long term anti-capture and censorship resistance of the Obol Collective.
The Obol Association stewards funding in line with the Collective’s mission, gradually transfering governance roles to the Obol Collective.

Proposal Submission
Anyone may draft a proposal and provide feedback on proposals in the forum.
The proposal is approved if the approval threshold and quorum are met.
Proposal is implemented
Obol Retroactive Funding
Maintaining a distributed validator (DV) ecosystem requires more than just technology.
Obol’s Retroactive Funding (RAF) mechanism exists to reward projects which strengthen and promote the decentralisation of Ethereum's settlement layer.
Any Obol Collective project can make an application, with OBOL token Delegates determining how funds from the RAF are allocated.
Higher adoption of DVs
More DVs grow Obol Collective
Projects put funding to use
More funding for the RAF
Retroactive Public Goods Funding is an important mechanism for ensuring that public goods are well financed and maintained. We’re happy Obol will use EasyRetroPGF and we support Obol’s mission to develop a sustainable funding model for Ethereum.”
Kevin Owocki, GitCoin co-founder
Get Involved
Anyone can be a part of Obol's governance - your input is valued!
Help determine the path forward for Ethereum.